During development you will often have to:

  • overwrite mod files in your game folder on each changes
  • look at the content of e.g. log files
  • and similar tedious tasks like these ...

To make our lives easier, there's many terminal shortcuts commands at our disposal, via a justfile:

  • first, install Just

    Just is just a command runner, it makes running commands in the terminal easier, more maintainable and generally more enjoyable

  • list all available shortcuts:


    just recipes

  • generally speaking, while coding you will most likely be interested in the following commands:

    • run once on install, to create folders if missing

      just setup
    • copy files to game dir before launching game:

      just build
    • copy files to game dir while game is running (excluding archive, see below):

      just rebuild

ℹ️ Coding process

  1. build:
    • archive can only be reloaded from Wolvenkit GUI's Hot Reload (RED Hot Tools required) while game is running.
    • tweaks, scripts and mods can be just copied over to game files.
  2. refresh:
    • once done, click in CET console:archive for WolvenKit archive, TweakXL tweaks, REDscript scripts and/or CET reload all mods
  3. remember that depending on your changes reloading a save is necessary, or the game itself sometimes.


📦 mod release files can be found either in Github release or Nexus files alike.

ℹ️ more infos at Github repo.