
Status effects icons research

So after having literally flatlined my install once again, here we are:

gathering notes first ...

I was recommended the WolvenKit guid on Adding new items.

Probably need to be extra careful on hooking up the inkatlas.

There's also a notable entry in TweakXL item icons.

psiberx on discord:

public final func SetData(icon: CName, time: Float) -> Void {
  wrappedMethod(icon, time);
  if Equals(icon, n"first_aid_whiff") {
    inkImageRef.SetAtlasResource(this.m_icon, r"base\\gameplay\\gui\\widgets\\healthbar\\atlas_buffinfo.inkatlas");
    inkImageRef.SetTexturePart(this.m_icon, n"first_aid_whiff");

but it was also stated elsewhere:

    $type: UIIcon # UIIcon_Record ?
    atlasPartName: 27_Rostovic_DB_2_Satara
    atlasResourcePath: base\gameplay\gui\widgets\ammo_counter\atlas_ammo_counter.inkatlas

Other interesting things spotted along the way

custom central HUD

RED probing technique


  • Paperclip
  • psiberx



  • original size: 640x512
  • 1080p: 320x256
  • 720p: 216x152


  • width 1080p -> 720p: 320 / 80 * 54 = 216 (not the same ratio)
  • height 1080p -> 720p: 256 / 64 * 38 = 152 (not the same ratio)

based on width:

  • 216/8 = 27
  • 640/8 = 80
  • 27/80 = 0.3375
  • 640*0.3375 = 216
  • or 640/100*33.75