Blackboard internals
Trying to demystify about IBlackboard
so-called DelayedListener
, and here's what people taught me:
credits to psiberx
you register a listener (delayed or not) the listener is fired when:
- value has changed with
*() - value is set and unchanged but
parameter is true Signal
*() called explicitly
delayed listener is just called later, in the other part of the cycle.
Mixing listeners, events and callbacks
But internal mechanics are different from IBlackboard
, as stated by psiberx.
as a courtesy of Technic235
protected func StartGlitching(glitchState:EGlitchState, opt intensity:Float) -> Void {
if Equals(this.m_controllerTypeName, n"ArcadeMachineController") {
protected func EVMSetupArcadeStaticGlitchListener() -> Void {
let devicePS = this.GetDevicePS();
if devicePS.evmArcadeStaticEventID == 0u {
let evt = new EVMArcadeStaticGlitchEvent();
let delay: GameTime = GameTime.MakeGameTime(0, 0, 0, RandRange(120, 301)); // days, hours, opt minutes, opt seconds
devicePS.evmArcadeStaticEventID = GameInstance.GetTimeSystem(devicePS.GetGameInstance()).RegisterDelayedListener(this, evt, delay, -1);
public class EVMArcadeStaticGlitchEvent extends Event {
// intentionally empty
protected cb func OnEVMArcadeStaticGlitchEvent(evt:ref<EVMArcadeStaticGlitchEvent>) {
let delaySystem = GameInstance.GetDelaySystem(this.GetGame());
let callback = new EVMDelayArcadeStaticGlitchCallback();
callback.machine = this;
delaySystem.DelayCallback(callback, RandRangeF(0, 10), true); // randomize start times
class EVMDelayArcadeStaticGlitchCallback extends DelayCallback {
let machine: ref<ArcadeMachine>;
protected func Call() -> Void {
protected func EVMStartArcadeStaticGlitch() {
if !this.evmSparkActive {
GameObjectEffectHelper.ActivateEffectAction(this, gamedataFxActionType.Start, n"hack_fx");
let delaySystem = GameInstance.GetDelaySystem(this.GetGame());
let callback = new EVMArcadeStaticGlitchCompletedCallback();
callback.machine = this;
delaySystem.DelayCallback(callback, 13, true);
this.evmSparkActive = true;
class EVMArcadeStaticGlitchCompletedCallback extends DelayCallback {
let machine: ref<ArcadeMachine>;
protected func Call() -> Void {
this.machine.evmSparkActive = false;
Research on UI
Next step is to give a better look-and-feel to current addiction-related notifications.
So far, I've used SimpleScreenMessage which works just fine
but is used mostly for Relic malfunction / Network breach notification.
A way better look-and-feel / lore-friendly UI would probably be this one:
So let's browse WolvenKit Asset browser and find out where it's at:
a couple interesting ones found while searching:
- activity_log.inkwidget
- generic_fullscreen_message_notification.inkwidget
finally found out:
- q001_mission0_connect_to_girl.inkwidget
- q001_wakeup_biomoncheck.inkwidget
Then, where is it used in the code ?
Well haha, trickier.
- no relevant reference to
- points at
- open many rabbit holes
So maybe inkWidgetLibraryResource
from WKit ?
Hey, results seem much better !
Also, DJ_Kovrik
to the rescue:
Which also brought me to:
My guess so far is that the closest inkGameController
to what I need is the inkHUDGameController,
except that I'll need only one inkAnimProxy
, the one returned from calling PlayLibraryAnimation.
But turns out it wasn't the full solution, see the follow-up.