
clean cache

credits to dddzzzkkk on Discord:

basically to fix your issue i think you have to delete the files in the r6\cache\modded folder, delete r6\cache\final.redscripts, rename r6\cache\final.redscripts.bk to r6\cache\final.redscripts, redeploy your REDmods, THEN launch the game

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credits to DJ_Korvrik : reinstall your Input Loader or delete Cyberpunk 2077\engine\config\platform\pc\input_loader.ini.

"anchor" variables

one cannot e.g.

public func GetIDs() -> array<TweakDBID> { ... }

// ❌ WRONG!
public func IsID(id: TweakDBID) -> Bool {
  return ArrayContains(GetIDs(), id);
// ✅ do this instead:
public func IsID(id: TweakDBID) -> Bool {
  let ids = GetIDs();
  return ArrayContains(ids, id);

handling time conversions

The game already has GameTime (the time for V), GameTimeStamp() -> Float (the real time), plus EngineTime (?) and SimTime (?).

There's apparently some issue with the method TimeSystem.RealTimeSecondsToGameTime(), unless I wasn't using the right unit of time.