
Or simply put, adding custom logic at runtime to statically defined status effects.

Looking at BaseStatusEffect.BerserkPlayer in WolvenKit, in its 2nd packages then down in its effectors'' first entry, there's a BaseStatusEffect.BerserkPlayerSFXEffector whose effectorClassName is PlaySFXEffector.

Looking into game sources, there's indeed a PlaySFXEffector (which extends Effector/IScriptable), which allows for tweaking e.g. the effect at runtime based on conditions:

public class PlaySFXEffector extends Effector {
  // ...
  protected func ActionOn(owner: ref<GameObject>) -> Void {
    this.m_owner = owner;
    if !this.m_startOnUninitialize && IsNameValid(this.activationSFXName) {
      if !this.m_unique {
        GameObject.PlaySound(this.m_owner, this.activationSFXName, n"PlaySFXEffector");
      } else {
        GameObject.PlaySoundWithParams(this.m_owner, this.activationSFXName, n"PlaySFXEffector", audioAudioEventFlags.Unique);

Here's another example with similarly designed status effect, ElectrocutedSFX, in WolvenKit:

Electrocuted PlaySFXEffector


Some experiments can be found in the travelog entry from 2023-02-10.